The Mayor and Council are elected to represent the citizens of our community and to develop and establish policy, adopt budgets, and more.

Elected Members

Bryan Morera

Vice Mayor, Seat 6

As a lifelong resident of the Town of Miami Lakes, I had the opportunity to play in our parks, fall in love with baseball at the Miami Lakes Optimist Park, go to school at Miami Lakes Middle School, go to church at Our Lady of the Lakes, and pet the cows at the various pastures scattered throughout the Town. As I got older, I was able to frequent Main Street and the various restaurants and bars in Town and watch as our Town changed over time.

As a kid, I always gravitated toward passionate advocacy. This passion would lead me to become a proud double-Panther, earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science in 2013, and my Juris Doctorate Degree in 2017, both from Florida International University. After passing the Florida Bar and practicing law for several years, I decided to open my own law firm. Sometime later, I opened another business that provides business advising and consulting services. Of course, I set up both businesses right here in Miami Lakes.

My passion for advocating on behalf of others would also lead me to volunteer to serve on two of the Town’s Committees, the Neighborhood Improvement Committee and the Blasting Advisory Board, and to run for the Board of Directors of my Homeowners’ Association, where I served as Vice-President and President. In 2024, when the opportunity arose to run for the Miami Lakes Town Council, that same passion led me to throw my hat into the race.

As an attorney and business owner, I am very results oriented. I believe in walking the walk more than talking the talk. That is why in my first month of being on the Council, I led our Town Council to take the most significant actions against blasting in its history, and in just my fifth month as a Councilmember, I spearheaded major reforms which put power back into the hands of the residents.

Today, my parents and my brother still reside in Miami Lakes over on the east side of town, and my wife, Katherine, and I purchased our first home on the west side of town. My agenda is simple: I want to preserve our small-town character while promoting policies which ensure that my future children, like me, grow up and choose to live here as adults and say “I ❤ Miami Lakes.”

Angelo Cuadra Garcia

Councilmember, Seat 1

Ray Garcia

Councilmember, Seat 2

Councilmember Ray Garcia has lived in Miami Lakes for over eight years, and is a proud father of five children, four boys and one girl, Gavin 11, Carolina 14, Roman and Ryan 17, and Raymond 20, who attends UCF.

The son of Cuban parents, Garcia was born in Newark, New Jersey and raised in Hialeah, where he attended Amelia Earhart Elementary, Hialeah Jr. High, and Hialeah High School. He graduated from Miami Dade Community College with an A.A. in Business Administration.

After working in the public sector as the Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Hialeah Gardens, he now works in the private sector as a Health Insurance Agent and Manager.

Garcia’s children have played sports at Miami Lakes Optimist Park for over a decade, where he volunteered as a coach.

He served on the Neighborhood Improvement Committee and the Blasting Advisory Board. In November 2022, Garcia was elected to the Miami Lakes Town Council.

Juan Carlos Fernandez

Councilmember, Seat 3

Alex Sanchez

Councilmember, Seat 4

Steven Herzberg

Councilmember, Seat 5

Councilmember Steven Herzberg and his family chose Miami Lakes as their home for its welcoming spirit and strong community values. With his wife, who grew up in Miami Lakes, Steven saw the town as the ideal place to raise their family.

As a first-generation American, Councilmember Herzberg’s perspective is shaped by his family’s journey—his father’s parents were Holocaust survivors who found refuge in the U.S., and his mother’s family fled Cuba in 1961. These experiences have instilled in him a deep respect for freedom, opportunity, and the importance of good governance.

Before his election to the Council, Councilmember Herzberg served on the Town’s Blasting Advisory Board, advocating for residents on issues impacting their quality of life. Now, as a council member, he is committed to enhancing Miami Lakes by prioritizing infrastructure improvements, expanding local amenities, and preserving the strong community spirit that makes the town unique.

Councilmember Herzberg values transparent governance and active engagement with residents. He encourages community members to contact him directly via email or phone with any questions or concerns and looks forward to working together to keep Miami Lakes a vibrant place to live, work, and raise a family.

Council Overview

Since its incorporation, the Town of Miami Lakes operates under a Council-Manager form of government. The Council-Manager system combines the strong leadership of elected officials with the strong managerial experience of an appointed Town Manager. The Mayor and Council are elected to represent the citizens of our community and to develop policy.

The Council Legislative duties include:

  • Adopt or amend any administrative regulation or establish, alter, or abolish any Town office, department, board, or agency.
  • Establish a rule or regulation; the violation of which carries a penalty.
  • Levy taxes or appropriate funds.
  • Grant, renew, or extend a franchise.
  • Set service or user charges for municipal services or grant administrative authority to set such charges.
  • Authorize the borrowing of money.
  • Convey, lease, or authorize by administrative action the conveyance or lease of any lands of the Town.
  • Mend or repeal any ordinance previously adopted.
  • Adopt an Annual Budget.
Open Government

The Town of Miami Lakes is committed to transparency in municipal government and promotes open government practices. As part of its commitment to fostering trust and collaboration with the public, the town works to make information easily accessible. Visit the Open Government Web Portal for access to:

  • Public Records Request
  • Public Notices
  • Information on How to Submit Public Comments
  • Transparent Miami Lakes, financial transparency module
  • Live-Streaming and Archive Videos of Council Meetings

Department Staff

Alexis Martinez

Deputy Town Clerk & Assistant to the Town Council