
The Budget Department promotes efficient resource allocation based on the priorities and needs of citizens, elected officials, and the administration.


  • Provides for the development and use of strategic management information for the preparation of long and short-range plans, budgets, and related activities.
  • Directs, coordinates, develops, manages, and maintains the Town’s operating budget and non-operating budget.
  • Provides analyses and reports to management on all budgetary/financial information.
Transparent Miami Lakes

Transparent Miami Lakes, the Town’s financial transparency portal, provides greater access to the Town’s financial information. Updated daily, the interactive website offers user-friendly visualizations of the Town of Miami Lakes’s expenditure and revenue information for the current fiscal year, as well as a historical view of previous years.

Tax Payer Receipt (English)

The Taxpayer Receipt is an information-sharing tool that breaks down the amount of tax paid by each taxpayer for various Town initiatives, departments, and services, thereby encouraging even greater citizen involvement in the budgeting process and financial decision of the Town

Want a receipt for your ESTIMATED Town of Miami Lakes taxes?

Tax Payer Receipt (Spanish)

El Recibo del Contribuyente es una herramienta para compartir información que desglosa la cantidad de impuestos pagados por cada contribuyente para diversas iniciativas, departamentos y servicios de la ciudad, fomentando así una participación aún mayor de los ciudadanos en el proceso presupuestario y las decisiones financieras de la Ciudad.

¿Desea un recibo por sus impuestos de la Ciudad de Miami Lakes (valor approximado)?


2024-2025 Budget

2023-2024 Budget

2022-2023 Budget

2021-2022 Budget

2020-2021 Budget

2019-2020 Budget

2005-2006 Budget