Loch Lomond Drainage Improvements
Anaily Padron
Capital Improvement Project Manager
T: (305) 364-6100 x 1133
Questions: padrona@miamilakes-fl.gov
Omar Santos Baez
Public Works Director
T: (305) 364-6100 x1182
Questions: santoso@miamilakes-fl.gov

Project Quick Facts
- Ground Breaking: November 4th, 2024
- Estimated Completion: December 2025
- Construction Cost: $1,354,290.00
- Project Manager: Anaily Padron, P.E.
- Project Contractor: Master Road Finishers Corp
The Loch Lomond Drainage Improvement project is an integral part of the Town’s comprehensive plan to reduce flooding. It involves enhancing the drainage system within the Loch Lomond community.
The project includes the addition of catch basins, French drains, manholes, valley gutters as well as restoration and resurfacing of the existing roadway surface, and new pavement markings. Once complete, the new system will increase stormwater management capacity and is intended to mitigate flooding in the area.
Gleneagle Drive
E. Troon Circle
Torphin Place

Storm Water Utility System Revenue Bonds and American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we strive to continue Growing Beautifully.
Project Manager:
Anaily Padron, P.E.
E: padrona@miamilakes-fl.gov
O: (305) 512-7133