Document Directory

RES 23-1957

pdfRES 23-1957

RES 23-1894

pdfRES 23-1894

Resolution 23-1897

A resolution approving the award of a contract for sports field lighting wooden pole reinforcement services to FRP Construction, LLC in an amount not to exceed $74,195.00 pdfResolution 23-1897

RES 23-1895

pdfRES 23-1895

Resolution 23-1898

A resolution approving the award of a contract for ITB 2023-07R, Mary Collins Community Center cabinet replacement to Dynamic Builders, Corp. pdfResolution 23-1898

Resolution 23-1899

A resolution of approving the award of a contract for design services for Miami Lakes Park West bicycle and pedestrian improvements project, RFQ 2022-11 to Chen Moore and Associates, Inc. pdfResolution 23-1899

Resolution 23-1900

A resolution authorizing a work order, pursuant to contract 2021-43 for civil engineering and related services with Marlin Engineering, Inc. for the Miami Lakes Fairway Drive bike lanes and crosswalks improvements project. pdfResolution 23-1900

Resolution 23-1901

A resolution condemning the actions of Major League Baseball and the Florida Marlins stifling free speech during the USA vs. Cuba, World Baseball Classic Game. pdfResolution 23-1901

Resolution 23-1902

A resolution relating to the passage of House Bill 949, relating to the operation of golf carts. pdfResolution 23-1902

RES 23-1909

pdfRES 23-1909

RES 23-1910

pdfRES 23-1910

RES 23-1908

pdfRES 23-1908

RES 23-1907

pdfRES 23-1907