Document Directory


Ordinance 20262

An ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, relating to attached canopies for single-family and two-family buildings; Amending Chapter 13, "Land development code", at Article V, "Allowable encroachments into the required yards and exceptions to the maximum permitted heights", at Section 131506, "Canopies, pdfOrdinance 20262

Ordinance 20263

An ordinance of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, amending Chapter 13, Article VI, Division 1, creating Section 13-1617. - school facilities safety considerations, providing for repeal of laws in conflict pdfOrdinance 20263

Ordinance 20264

An ordinance of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, amending Chapter 13, Article IV, Division 3, RU-TH townhouse district, Sec. 13-444, development regulations pdfOrdinance 20264

Ordinance 20265

Ordinance approving, adopting a non-ad valorem assessment roll for special taxing districts and ratifying special assessment districts rates for special taxing districts, including but not limited to security guard and multipurpose maintenance pdfOrdinance 20265

Ordinance 20266

Ordinance amending Chapter 35, Article III, Communication Facilities in Public Rights of Way, Division 3 Permitting and Placement of Communication Facilities in the Public Rights of Way. pdfOrdinance 20266

Ordinance 20267

Ordinance modifying the budget approved by Ordinance 19-251 as amended by Ordinance 20-258; Amending the Town's Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget. pdfOrdinance 20267

Ordinance 20268

Ordinance Adopting the Millage Rate of the Town of Miami Lakes for the Fiscal Year Commencing October 1. 2020 through September 30, 2021, pursuant to Section 200.065, Florida Statutes; pdfOrdinance 20268

Ordinance 20269

Ordinance Approving and Adopting the Budget for the Town of Miami Lakes For Fiscal Year 2020-2021;  pdfOrdinance 20269

Ordinance 20270

An ordinance of the Town of Miami Lakes, modifying the budget approved by Ordinance No. 20-269; amending the Town's FIscal Year 2020-21 budget. pdfOrdinance 20270

Ordinance 20271

An odinance of the Town of Miami Lakes, relating to permitted materials for Townhouse, single-family and two-family canopies and accessory buildings; amending chapter 13, "Land Development Code", at Article 1.  pdfOrdinance 20271

Ordinance 23-316

An ordinance approving, adopting, and ratifying special assessment district rates for special taxing districts. pdfOrdinance 23-316

Ordinance 23-317

An ordinance adopting the millage rate of the Town of Miami Lakes for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. pdfOrdinance 23-317

Ordinance 23-318

An ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the Town of Miami Lakes for fiscal year 2023-2024. pdfOrdinance 23-318