Document Directory
Ordinance 19247
Ordinance creating regulations for the use of FPL Franchise Fees; providing for the creation of a budget line item.
Ordinance 19248
Ordinance amending chapter 13, at Article XI, "Fees", relating to Variance Application Fees.
Ordinance 19249
Ordinance approving, adopting a non-advalorem assessment roll for special taxing districts; ratifying special assessment district rates for special taxing districts.
Ordinance 19250
Ordinance adopting the Millage Rate for the TOML for the Fiscal year commencing October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020, pusuant to Section 200.065.
Ordinance 19251
Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the TOML for Fiscal Year 2019-2020.
Ordinance 19252
Ordinance relating to Solar Energy Systems; amending Chapter 13, "Land Developement Code" into the required yards and exceptions to the maximum permitted heights.
Ordinance 19253
An ordinance of the Town Council relating to permitted fe4nce he4ights for single-family and two-family buildings.
Ordinance 20-254
An ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, amending Chapter 12, law enforcement, creating Article IV, titled "Sale of Nicotine Vaporizers (e-cigarettes), liquid nicotine to minors and possession to minors prohibited, providing for signage requirements"
Ordinance 20255
An ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, relating to allowable uses in commercial districts
Ordinance 20256
An ordinance of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida; amending Article IV, division 2, section 2-102 titled "General Fund Reserves"
Ordinance 20257
An ordinance of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, authorizing a loan in the aggregate principal amount of not exceeding $15,000,000, in the form of a non-revolving line of credit, for the purpose of providing liquidity financing for the project described herein
Ordinance 20258
An ordinance of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, amending Ordinance No. 19-251
Ordinance 20259
An ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, relating to driveways in residential districts
Ordinance 20260
An ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, relating to mobility fees