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Ordinance 21-280

An ordinance providing for a short term interfund loan from unrestricted general fund balance to capital funds in the amount not to exceed $2,500,000 pdfOrdinance 21-280

Ordinance 21-281

An ordinance relating to landscape regulations. pdfOrdinance 21-281

Ordinance 21-282

An ordinance approving, adopting, a non-ad valorem assessment roll for special taxing districts. pdfOrdinance 21-282

Ordinance 21-283

An ordinance relating to emergency management, amending chapter 2 "administration", of the Town code, creating article VII, titles emergency procedures, providing for findings of fact, intent, and purpose. pdfOrdinance 21-283

Ordinance 21-284

An ordinance adopting the millage rate of the town for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022, pursuant to section 200.065, Florida Statutes. pdfOrdinance 21-284

Ordinance 21-285

An ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the Town of Miami Lakes for fiscal year 2021-2022. pdfOrdinance 21-285

Ordinance 22-286

An ordinance deleting Chapter 4, Article V of the Town of Miami Lakes Code of Ordinances, and creating Chapter 13, Article VII, Section 13-1704 Titled "Green Building Program". pdfOrdinance 22-286

Ordinance 22-287

An ordinance amending Article III, Section 2-55 of the Town Code titled "Town Manager". pdfOrdinance 22-287

Ordinance 22-288

An ordinance amending Chapter 13, Section 13-2116, titled "Process" of the Town of Miami Lakes Code of Ordinance. pdfOrdinance 22-288

Ordinance 22-289

An ordinance amending Chapter 13, the Land Development Code, Article IX, title "Signs". pdfOrdinance 22-289

Ordinance 22-290

An ordinance amending Chapter 13, the Land Development Code, Section 13-449 titled "Swale Areas", and Section 13-1508 "Driveways and Parking Spaces". pdfOrdinance 22-290

Ordinance 22-291

An ordinance amending Chapter 18, establishing article X, titled "Private Lakes Maintenance Park License and Use Program" of the Town of Miami Lakes Code of Ordinance. pdfOrdinance 22-291

Ordinance 22-292

An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 21-285 amending the Town's fiscal year 2021-2022 Budget. pdfOrdinance 22-292

Ordinance 22-293

An ordinance amending Chapter 39, "Traffic and Vehicles", creating Article III "Golfcarts". pdfOrdinance 22-293

Ordinance 22-294

An ordinance amending Chapter 13, of the land development code section 13-1614 titles "Compliance with FAA Rules", providing for inclusion into the code. pdfOrdinance 22-294