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Ordinance 18-230

Ordinance adopting the Budget for the TOML for FY 2018-19 pdfOrdinance 18-230

Ordinance 18-231

An ordinance approving adopting a non-advalorem assessment roll for Special Taxing Districts  pdfOrdinance 18-231

Ordinance 18-232

Ordinance permitting standing metal seam roofing pdfOrdinance 18-232

Ordinance 18-233

An ordinance amending Chapter 13 "Land Development Code" allowing community homes.  pdfOrdinance 18-233

Ordinance 18-234

An ordinance amending section 13-799.7 "cannabis dispensaries, medical marijuana treatment".  pdfOrdinance 18-234

Ordinance 21-272

An ordinance amending ordinance no. 20-269, and amended by ordinance no. 20-270 amending the town's fiscal year 2020-2021 budget. pdfOrdinance 21-272

Ordinance 21-273

An ordinance amending article IV, division 2, section 2-102 titles "general fund reserves". pdfOrdinance 21-273

Ordinance 21-274

An ordinance relating to landscape regulations; amending chapter 13, "land development code", at article VII, "alternative energy systems and environemental regulations", creating section 13-1703, "artificial turf", providing for findings of fact, intent and purpose pdfOrdinance 21-274

Ordinance 21-275

An ordinance amending ordinance no.20-269 as amended by ordinance no. 20-270 and 21-272, amending the town's fiscal year 2020-2021 budget. pdfOrdinance 21-275

Ordinance 21-276

An ordinance relating to zoning; amending section 13-799.7, "cannabis dispensaries, medical marijuana treatment facilities, and independent testing laboratories". pdfOrdinance 21-276

Ordinance 21-277

An ordinance amending chapter 13 of the Town of Miami Lakes code of ordinance, creating article XII titled "Sponsorship, Naming and Letters of Support Policy" providing for inclusion into the code. pdfOrdinance 21-277

Ordinance 21-278

An ordinance relating to transportation regulations. pdfOrdinance 21-278

Ordinance 21-279

An ordinance authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $15,500,000 aggregate principal amount of stormwater utility system revenue bonds, series 2021, to provide funds, together with other available moneys, to finance the costs of improvements to the town's stormwater utility system. pdfOrdinance 21-279

Ordinance 21-280

An ordinance providing for a short term interfund loan from unrestricted general fund balance to capital funds in the amount not to exceed $2,500,000 pdfOrdinance 21-280

Ordinance 21-281

An ordinance relating to landscape regulations. pdfOrdinance 21-281