Document Directory


Resolution 231889

A resolution approving the award of contracts for RFP 2022-27, Disaster Debris Management Services to Ashbritt, Inc., the highest-ranked proposer and D&J Enterprises, Inc., the second highest-ranked proposer. pdfResolution 231889

Resolution 231890

A resolution adopting the systems safety program plan, monitor and oversight policy, and disadvantage business enterprise policy. pdfResolution 231890

Resolution 231891

A resolution authorizing the Town Manager to apply for and accept Scotts Field Refurbishment Program. pdfResolution 231891

Resolution 231892

A resolution amending the legislative priorities for fiscal year 2023-2024. pdfResolution 231892

Resolution 231893

A resolution opposing the adoption of the No Cash Bail Reform. pdfResolution 231893

Resolution 231894

A resolution approving the award of a contract for ITB 2023-12 to RG Underground Engineering, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,827,568.00. pdfResolution 231894

Resolution 231895

A resolution auhtorizing a work order, pursuant to contract 2021-43 for civil engineering and related services, with 300 Engineering Group, P.A. for Royal Oaks sixth addition drainage improvements construction engineering and inspection (CEI) services, for an amount not to exceed $162,852.71. pdfResolution 231895

Resolution 231896

A resolution authorizing and directing the Town Clerk to formally submit written notification to the United States Department of State, Office of Passport Services regarding a passport acceptance facility in the Town of Miami Lakes. pdfResolution 231896

Ordinance 18-217

Establishing Design and Architectural review standards for multifamily residential and nonresidential development pdfOrdinance 18-217

Ordinance 18218

Amending the Mayoral Salary pdfOrdinance 18218

Ordinance 18-219

Amending section 10.21 of the Town Code Ordinances for qualifying dates for Town Elections. pdfOrdinance 18-219

Ordinance 18-220

Amending Division 24, "GP Government Property District" pdfOrdinance 18-220

Ordinance 18-221

Amending Ordinance CHpt. 35, Article II, Communication facilities in public right-of-ways "TELECOM" pdfOrdinance 18-221

Ordinance 18-222

Amending the Town's Fiscal Year 2017-20187 Budget pdfOrdinance 18-222

Ordinance 18-223

Amending section 13-303 "Conditional  Uses" pdfOrdinance 18-223