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Ordinance 13158

Adopting an Official Zoning Map. pdfOrdinance 13158

Ordinance 13159

Adding, amending definitions to the LDC. pdfOrdinance 13159

Ordinance 13160

Ordinance adopting the millage rate of the town of Miami Lakes for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014, pursuant to section 200.065 pdfOrdinance 13160

Ordinance 13161

Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the Town of Miami Lakea for fiscal year 2013-2014. PENDING BUDGET ATTACHMENT pdfOrdinance 13161

Ordinance 13162

Adopting a revised Building Permit Fee Schedule. pdfOrdinance 13162

Ordinance 13163

Creating Chapter 2, Article VI, Annexation as part of the Town of Miami Lakes Land Use Code. pdfOrdinance 13163

Ordinance 13164

Creating Chapter 2, Administration, Article III, Officers and Employees, Section 2-54, Staffing of the Office of the Mayor. pdfOrdinance 13164

Ordinance 13165

Approving the proposed settlement agreement regarding the construction of the Youth Center East pdfOrdinance 13165

Ordinance 14166

An Ordinance of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida amending article VIII. pdfOrdinance 14166

Ordinance 14167

An ordinance of the Town of Miami Lakes. Florida, amending ordinance no. 13-161; Amending the towns budget for the 2013-14 fiscal year. pdfOrdinance 14167

Ordinance 14168

An ordinance of the Town of Miami Lakes, Florida, amending Article II, Section 13-203, Planning and Zoning Board, amending Article II, Section 13-301, generally and section 13-310, appelas, amending article XI, section 13-2102. pdfOrdinance 14168

Ordinance 14169

Adopting the EAR Report based amendments, including various updates to the goals, objectives and policies of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. pdfOrdinance 14169

Ordinance 14170

Amending article I, Section 13-1, Definitions and References, and Article III, Section 13-309, Public Hearing and Notice. pdfOrdinance 14170

Ordinance 14171

Amending article V, Section 13-1509. Fences, Walls, and Gates. pdfOrdinance 14171

Ordinance 14172

Adopting a Time-Certain Code Enforcement Lien Amnesty Program. pdfOrdinance 14172