2024 General Election Runoff

A runoff election for the Town Mayoral seat will take place on November 26. Voters assigned to Precinct 307 (Miami Lakes United Methodist Church, 14800 Ludlam Rd) will be temporarily assigned to vote at Precinct 308 (Miami Lakes K-8 Center, 14250 NW 67 Ave) for the November 26 runoff election. For more information, please visit miamilakes-fl.gov/election.

NW 166th Street Drainage Improvement

Project Quick Facts

  • Estimated Completion: December 2022
  • Construction Cost: $453,253.00
  • Project Manager: Anaily Padron, P.E.
  • Project Contractor: RG Underground Engineering, Inc.

The NW 166th Street Drainage Improvement Project is part of the Town’s
comprehensive plan to mitigate flooding and is funded through the
Stormwater Utility System Revenue Bonds Series 2021. The project currently
under the design phase.

The stormwater project will include the addition of catch basins, French drains, manholes, valley gutters as well as restoration and resurfacing of the existing roadway surface, and new pavement markings. Once complete, the new system will increase stormwater management capacity and is intended to mitigate flooding in the area.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we strive to continue Growing Beautifully. If you have any questions or concerns about this upcoming project, please contact Anaily Padron, Capital Improvement Project Manager via email padrona@miamilakes-fl.gov or at (305) 512-7133.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum molestie aliquam erat, ut accumsan turpis placerat sed. Donec dapibus nisl ut pellentesque suscipit.

Nullam tempor dui in elit sollicitudin, ac faucibus est facilisis. Mauris non consequat neque. Aenean tristique ac nisl eget auctor. Fusce a tempor dolor. Suspendisse nunc mauris, tempus vel velit quis, venenatis congue ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum molestie aliquam erat, ut accumsan turpis placerat sed. Donec dapibus nisl ut pellentesque suscipit.

Nullam tempor dui in elit sollicitudin, ac faucibus est facilisis. Mauris non consequat neque. Aenean tristique ac nisl eget auctor. Fusce a tempor dolor. Suspendisse nunc mauris, tempus vel velit quis, venenatis congue ipsum.